Coniograme intermedia
Common Name : bamboo fern 'Intermedia'Family : PteridaceaeType : FernHabit : Clump-formingFoliage : EvergreenFoliage colour : GreenHardiness: Hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters -15° to -10°Sunlight : Part ShadeMoisture : Moist but well-drained / Poorly-drainedSoil : Acid / NeutralSeason of interest : Spring - Summer - Autumn - WinterConiogramme intermedia is a medium to large size evergreen fern with a short creeping rhizome. The fronds are basically once pinnate, deep green, glossy, and up to 60-100 cm long and 25-35 cm wide. The basal pinnae can be divided once more, sporting shorter pinnules, but these number few and the apical pinnule is the largest by far. The pinnae have lightly toothed margins. The scaleless stipe accounts for approximately 1/3 or the frond length. The naked sori occur in lines that follow the pinnae veins. These can separate up to three times but never cross one another, and extend up the veins 1/2 to 3/4 of the way to the margin of the pinnae only. [Botany Boy]