Paeonia lactiflora ‘Catharina Fontijn’
Common Name : double Peony 'Catharina Fontijn'Family : PaeoniaceaeType : Herbaceous PerennialHabit : TuftedSpread : 10-50 cmFlower colour : Mauve Lilac& WhiteFlowering from : Mayto JuneFoliage : DeciduousFoliage colour : GreenHardiness: Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK -5° to 1°Sunlight : Full Sun / Part ShadeMoisture : Moist but well-drainedSoil : AcidSeason of interest : SpringFragrantCatharina Fontijn is an extreme beautiful pink coloured, double Peony. With the nice fragrance is the Catharina Fontijn blooming in the middle season. With flowers up to 15 cm and the dark foliage it’s used a lot for cut flower production as well for landscaping in gardens and city parks. Every year older the plant gives more and more flowers.