New plants in the garden…

Back from the Cesson-Sévigné plant festival, with 2 ferns for the “ferns wall”, and a Hoheria sexstylosa “Stardust”.The latter will replace the Chinese lilac which did not resist this summer’s heat wave. This shrub is quite similar to the Eucryphia I planted in 2015 and which has hardly grown in…

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Beginnings of a fern wall

With only 10 ferns, this wall is not very impressive, but it is a start. To follow its story, go to this page. If it works well, Papi Jo could consider offering this green wall to Donald T., who loves walls so much. But not sure it would go well…

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A stressed gardener

There is much talk of the pleasure of visiting gardens, but no mention of the “stress” of the gardener who opens his garden to visitors. A week before the operation “Welcome to my garden in Brittany”, which he takes part in, papi Jo scrutinizes each massif, each plant of the…

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