Tag: visits
Hanami at the Parc botanique de Haute Bretagne
Virtual visit of the garden
On our “open garden” day a gifted young neighbour captured a video of some garden scenes. Thanks Estéban!
55 visitors on “open garden” day!
Les jardins de Kerfouler
This week with a couple of friends we went to visit the Jardins de Kerfouler… and we loved our visit! I can recommend those gardens without reservation. Les Jardins de Kerfouler is a garden of inspiration boasting a range of garden styles, e.g.: modern, artistic, classic, natural, romantic, exuberant, modest,…
Le Temps des Saxifrages ‘Sous un arbre perché’
Images of the Prieuré d’Orsan Gardens
Étangs d’art en Brocéliande 2016
Visit of Le Pellinec garden
Visit of la Péfolière garden
This week-end is “Open Gardens Day” throughout France. More about the event here: http://rendezvousauxjardins.culturecommunication.gouv.fr/ A number of carefully selected public and private gardens are open to the public. On Sunday, June 5th, we went to visit an incredible private garden opened to all for the day. The garden is located…