New Year’s Day 2017 Flower Count in papi Jo’s garden.

- Choisya ternata
- Erica x darleyensis ‘Silberschmelze’
- Daphne x transatlantica ‘Eternal Fragrance’ (no longer scented but constantly in flower since the month of May!)
- Erica carnea
- Sarcococca confusa
- Helleborus orientalis
- Erica lusitanica ‘Great Star’ ‘Le Vasterival’
- Skimmia Japonica ‘Rubella’
- Rosa ‘Pierre De Ronsard’ ‘Meiviolin’
- Exochorda × macrantha ‘The Bride’
- Cyclamen coum
- Echinacea purpurea JS® ‘White Prairie’ (frosted deadheads)