New Year’s Day 2017 Flower Count

New Year’s Day 2017 Flower Count in papi Jo’s garden. Choisya ternata Erica x darleyensis ‘Silberschmelze’ Daphne x transatlantica  ‘Eternal Fragrance’ (no longer scented but constantly in flower since the month of May!) Erica carnea Sarcococca confusa Helleborus orientalis Erica lusitanica ‘Great Star’ ‘Le Vasterival’ Skimmia Japonica ‘Rubella’ Rosa ‘Pierre…

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Garden quiz. New!

Nothing much to do in the garden these days. So the gardener put on his programmer hat and made a couple of quizzes for you to test your knowledge of plant names. Try it! Click the thumbnail image below to go to the Quizzes page.

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