One more Spring!

Today is the gardener’s birthday: another spring with nothing to do but wait. A bit like gardening, well almost. At the moment, the gardener is thinking hard about putting together his short shopping list to go to the nursery or garden centre. It’s a matter of filling in the gaps…

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February jobs

First flowers 2021

With the mild weather of the last few days, the gardener is finally starting to get busy. Here is a small list (non-exhaustive) of the small jobs that have been done. First mowing of the season Started to cut the dead Choisya ternata to pieces. Pruned from 50cm to 1m…

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Snowed under… so what?

Sous la neige

In Papi Joe’s garden, each plant copes with the snow according to its specific characteristics. The snow does not scare off the ‘snow heather’ or the Japanese azalea ‘Amoena’. Snow plus frost flatten the hellebores on the ground (but they will rise again) and scorch the pretty pink flowers of…

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