Thanks to the unusually warm weather work has started in the garden. The 2 specimens of lavatera ‘Barnsley’ have been cut back (one month earlier than last year). The lawn has been mown for the first time this year.
A visit to two of my favourite garden centers/nurseries has resulted in the purchase of the following specimens:
- Heuchera ‘Chocolate Ruffles’ : 1 specimen to replace the one probably eaten up by Vine Weevil.
- Clematis ‘Early Sensation’, hoping it will survive if warm winters continue.
- Camellia ‘Buttons & Bows’, with its lovely pink flowers
- Carex oshimensis ‘Eversheen’
- Vinca minor ‘Alba’
- Iberis sempervivens
- Nandina domestica ‘Brightlight’
Some views of the South-East border, visible from the house.